Fire Code
Date: July 26, 2021
Logan Rogersville Fire Protection District
Adoption of International Code Council 2018 Fire Codes
To continue to provide the best possible service to the residents and patrons that we serve the Logan-Rogersville Fire Protection District has adopted the 2018 ICC Fire Codes. Since the Fire District is composed of portions (3) three counties the adoption of these standards will assist in improving continuity within our District. The Board of Directors approved Resolution # 071221, Ordinance # 3 on July 12, 2021.
The purpose of adopting these codes is to ensure that commercial and multi-family dwellings are as safe as possible. These codes develop a minimum standard to safeguard the occupants of the building(s). This in turn will provide a safer environment for our fire fighters and occupants during an emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the District office at 417-753-4265.
ICC IFC 2018 Resolution